Publication topics:
Brain stimulation (15), Computation/theory (9), Decision-making (11), Learning/plasticity (7), Multiphoton/optical methods (10), Network function (18)
Active filtering of sequences of neural activity by recurrent circuits of sensory cortex
Deveau CE, Zhou Z, LaFosse PK, Deng Y, Mirbagheri S, Steinmetz N, Histed MH (2024) Preprint, bioRxiv
Single cell optogenetics reveals attenuation-by-suppression in visual cortical neurons
LaFosse PK, Zhou Z, Scott VM, Deng Y, Histed MH (2023) Preprint, bioRxiv
Amplified cortical neural responses as animals learn to use novel activity patterns
Akitake BC*, Douglas HM*, LaFosse PK, Deveau CE, Li AJ, Ryan LN, Duffy SP, Zhou Z, Deng Y, Histed MH (2023) Current Biology
Excitation creates a distributed pattern of cortical suppression due to varied recurrent input
O'Rawe JF, Zhou Z, Li AJ, LaFosse PK, Goldbach HC, Histed MH (2023) Neuron
Bicistronic expression of a high-performance Ca indicator & opsin
LaFosse PK, Zhou Z, Friedman NG, Deng Y, Li AJ, Akitake B, Histed MH (2023) eNeuro
Performance in even a simple perceptual task depends on mouse secondary visual areas
Goldbach HC, Akitake B, Leedy CE, Histed MH (2021) eLife
Cortical neuronal networks can integrate inputs linearly, independent of synchrony
Histed MH, Maunsell JHR (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
Similarity of visual selectivity among clonally related neurons in visual cortex
Ohtsuki G, Nishiyama M, Yoshida T, Murakami T, Histed MH, Lois C, Ohki K (2012) Neuron
Local diversity and fine-scale organization of receptive fields in mouse visual cortex
Bonin V, Histed MH, Yurgenson S, and Reid RC (2011) Journal of Neuroscience
Direct activation of sparse, distributed sets of cortical neurons with electrical microstimulation
Histed MH, Bonin V, and Reid RC (2009) Neuron
News and Views: Laxpati NG, Gross RE. Neurosurgery 2010 Jun;66(6):17-20.